140: What if I am not invited in an Express Entry Draw?

Podcast Episode 140: What if I am not invited in an Express Entry Draw?

Host: Mark Holthe
Guest: Alicia Backman-Beharry


  • Welcome to another episode of the Canadian Immigration Podcast.
  • In today’s episode, we delve into what happens if you are not invited in an Express Entry draw, a pertinent question for many amidst the high CRS scores of recent general draws.

Key Points:

  1. Overview of Express Entry:

    • Explanation of the Express Entry system, which started in January 2015.
    • It is designed to manage applications for Federal Skilled Worker Program, Canadian Experience Class, Federal Skilled Trades Program, and some Provincial Nominee Programs.
  2. Challenges with Express Entry:

    • Discussion on the high CRS scores making it challenging for individuals outside Canada to qualify.
    • Emphasis on the need for strategies to improve chances of receiving an ITA.
  3. Strategies to Improve CRS Scores:

    • Possibility of increasing language scores, gaining additional work experience, and pursuing higher education.
    • Consideration of provincial nominee programs for additional points.
  4. Category-Specific Draws:

    • Insight into how targeted draws based on specific criteria such as occupation or language can offer alternative pathways to receive an ITA.
  5. Alternatives to Express Entry:

    • Exploration of other immigration pathways including provincial nominee programs, family sponsorship, and temporary work permits.
  6. Future of Express Entry:

    • Discussion on potential changes and the importance of staying informed about immigration policies and category-specific draws.
  7. Role of Immigration Lawyers:

    • How consulting with an expert can provide personalized guidance and strategies tailored to individual circumstances.


  • Recap of the importance of having a strategic plan when navigating through the complexities of Express Entry.
  • Reminder to stay informed and proactive in managing one's immigration journey.


Next Episode Preview:

  • Join us for the next episode where we will discuss the impact of recent changes in immigration law on temporary foreign workers in Canada.

Listen and Subscribe:

  • Available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and directly on the Canadian Immigration Podcast website.